
Hair transplant surgery, one year after the surgery, really thicker than before.

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In order to save his hairline, Youtuber Zach tried hair transplant surgery a year ago - transplanting hair follicles from the back of his head to the top of his head to achieve hair growth

While the procedure itself went very smoothly, it took a few months for the transplanted follicles to grow hair. So now, a year later, Zach is sharing the results of his follow-up surgery, and one way or another, the results are truly amazing.

Aside from a few days of swelling and depression, the surgery left him with no scars, and in the months following the surgery, he was prescribed medication to encourage the hair follicles to grow back. Now that his hair is becoming even and thicker, it is easier for him to have a proper hairstyle to hide his flaws.

Overall, for Zach, who was "on the verge of going bald," the surgery has been a tremendous help to his appearance and social life. However, the excellent results also brought him a new problem - too many people were asking him if they could get hair transplants themselves!

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