
Leather Master Professional Repair: Burnt Chanel Bags

Gerry Gallagher is a master leatherworker, and this time he had a tough job: a Chanel GST bag with a market price of about $3,000 had been burned by restaurant candles. Part of the bag is also discolored, revealing the white nickel metal on the bottom ...

Gerry decided to dismantle the bag and have it completely repaired - finally! The finished product at 6 minutes, come feel the master's handiwork. 


How To Make Your Own Hand Sanitizer | Dr. Ian Smith

Coronavirus (COVID-19) has people so worried about getting sick that hand sanitizer is selling out. Here's how to make your own hand sanitizer if needed.


At the funeral of the 17-year-old boy with a Maori war dance to see him off, tears...

At the funeral of a 17-year-old boy in New Zealand, his friends danced a traditional Maori war dance to bid him farewell ...... The boy who led the dance even choked up several times and lost control of his emotions with trembling limbs, but still insisted on finishing the dance to give his brother a spectacular farewell ...... This brotherly love, tears ......